Sunday, June 26, 2022

It Happened, Unpublished From FACEBOOK.COM Again. LOL

 And so it happens again, FACEBOOK.COM has shut me down. This is so ridiculous it's almost funny. I just need to find a new platform. 

My profile picture showed so much nudity that  FACEBOOK.COM  had to blur it from my innocent eyes. 

I think FACEBOOK.COM just don't like me. This is the third time I was shut down because of  something with my profile picture. They even shut me down because of the nudity on a picture of my wife. I am 100% against posting anything nude with my wife, But FACEBOOK.COM seemed to have found nudity in this picture

The time after that I was unpublished for bullying. I can almost understand maybe FACEBOOK.COM calling a set of gorgeous legs with pantyhose on and not the proper pants nudity, But please explain where we have bullying in this picture

I'm not even upset, FACEBOOK.COM means a little less to me each day. Running this page was what kept me on and making peoples day in the fucked up world we live in. Apparently FACEBOOK.COM only want's the negative of the world to keep it going. Whatever LOL. I am over with this rant and I will post daily here and keep the pictures coming. In ending I will post the unedited nude photo FACEBOOK.COM has unpublished me for. Please use caution when looking, this is nudity in FACEBOOK.COM's eyes


  1. Tumblr or Flickr ?

    1. Tumblr has removed several similar sites during the past years (they just shot down Pantyhose World Candids a month or two ago), whereas Twitter seems to be fine with it. Anyways, happy to see you're going to keep up the good work. :)
